Diane mixes software development with neuroscience, research with art, and health care with entertainment - with the ultimate goal of pursuing a reality that pushes boundaries.
Use an app to morph a 3D model and gather large population data to study Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
Research project correlating freely navigating people behavior with brain activity while in untethered Samsung Gear VR.
Integrate external controllers to immerse patients in bed in a VR experience.
Bring patients an interactive and immersive VR app to ease their clinic consultation.
Allow medical students to study and quiz their knowledge of the brain's visual system in VR.
Provide lay people with a better understanding of their spine medical image in VR/AR/iPad.
Use a webGL toolkit to open medical images and generate their 3D models on the web.
Create databases for training and execute ML algorithms on a secure website.
Using 360 cameras and Autodesk Maya, create 360 experiences and add interactions.
July 29, 2018: Augmented Reality RPG
Play Stomping Ground! My first completed RPG stars you, a knight in search of treasures.
Human Animation Playlist
See and learn how I integrated MatchMover with Optitrack and Maya!
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