Multiplatform Software Developer

- Create personalized VR/AR experiences

- Educate with interactive VR/AR apps

- Animate models based on real kinematics

Our lab develops novel applications using machine learning and virtual reality for clinical practice.

VR and AR promotes improving communication between physician and patient, student training, and neurosurgical planning.

[ Applications ]

Inverse Kinematics and Animation

In this kinematic model of lumbar spine, I created a rigged model of the spine to model anatomical consequences to natural movement.

OpenCV: Computer Vision for Feature Extraction

Using the OpenCV library, I detected features from an MRI to transform a spine model to personalize the VR experience.

AR Interaction for Group Settings

I use a variety of AR kits to train students and educate lay people on spine terminology.

Spine Pathologies: Animated Database

I created a library of spinal pathologies viewable in VR. Users can get close up to regions and learn how pathologies are affecting human anatomy.

Web Applications: Reaching Wider Audiences

I created web apps using HTML, JS, CSS, SQL, Golang and Flask.

In the Spine Viewer web app, upload medical images and view them online in 3D. (Based on XTK Toolkit)

The Spine Segmentation web app allows registered users to securely use our machine learning algorithm on the web. (In progress)

Demo Spine Viewer

diane villaroman

[ Publications & Conferences ]

diane villaroman

Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine

Go to article

AANS 2017 Conference "Neurosurgery: A World of Innovation"


Global Spine Congress 2018 Lightning Talk

Oral presentation